I was just taking a moment to browse around my office trying to figure out ways to organize it better. At the moment I share space with my husband, and I'm trying to help him to become a better organizer so we both can enjoy the space as we work to make our living. Sometimes clutter can make you feel unmotivated, at least it makes me feel that way. We accumulate so much stuff so quickly, and even with all the computer technology of being able to backup our files we still have the need to print everything for filing. Why?
I think it's due to habits we can't break or it's just hard to break. I can remember a time when I working at a construction company, during the end of a project we had to pack up our files for storage. I had to make a set of files for the owner and a set for my employer. I think at the time we I finished packing, I had packed over 100 legal boxes. Talk about a sista that was tired.
I'm saying all of this to make a point about working smart than hard, and keeping your space organized to help you stay motivated.
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